As World Breastfeeding Week 2020 draws to a close today, I wanted to say a big thank you to all of the wonderful mums who have shared their stories with me. It has been such an encouraging and inspiring week, hearing about all of their breastfeeding stories. Stories of determination and perseverance; of hard work and hope; of beauty and comedy, through each unique breastfeeding journey with mother and child.
I hope that by sharing this collection of stories, it can help open up dialogue and a place for mothers to talk freely about their breastfeeding experience. The experience of being a mother can sometimes be incredibly isolating at times. I know for a fact that my first few weeks and months after my daughter was born was spent sleeplessly caring for a little human who was completely dependent on me. Being confined at home with a baby nursing every two to three hours, particularly during this pandemic period can make one feel even more disconnected.
Adding to that challenge is the stigma of breastfeeding in public; something that is particularly prevalent in Asia, with its unique cultural and religious model. It is very unusual to see a mother breastfeeding her baby in public in Hong Kong without a partial cover, even though it is not illegal. I have not been able to breastfeed Charlotte in public successfully, and would often use a cover or head to the nearest parents room to nurse or pump. Without the public and community normalising and supporting breastfeeding mothers, it is difficult for us to overcome the discrimination surrounding breastfeeding in public.
A new campaign called #Ittasteslikelove founded by journalist Liz Thomas is backing the movement that empowers mothers to breastfeed in the Hong Kong public. The goal is to enable mothers to breastfeed in public without harassment or disapproval, and encourage the entire community to welcome mothers to do so, something that I strongly support and feel for.
As a special thank you to all breastfeeding mothers, we have teamed up with #Ittaseslikelove to offer one lucky mama a beautiful onesie made of organic cotton worth HKD349. Head over to post below for more information!
Whether you are a mother who might be struggling with breastfeeding a new baby, or a mother who is juggling a tricky pumping schedule at work, or a mother who simply needs a reminder of why all the hard work is worth the effort, don’t forget to tell yourself this:
Your motherhood is not defined and measured by your breastfeeding experience - breast or pump, by output and volume, by formula or bottle. The fact that you are there for your baby, as the whole wonderful you, it is already an amazing job. Take credit for this and be gentle with yourself :).
They say takes a village to raise a child, but even in an online community, we can still be a support system.

Check out the featured reversible Giraffes and Strawberries dress below: